Thursday, March 22, 2012

Accomplishments and failures...

Though I'm sure my life is as dull as a hill of beans, I, nevertheless, feel the need to express myself, not only through poetry, but through a blog. Actually, this blog was more of a joint-affair thing. My friend and I made each other make a blog about life. I, for lack of a life-relating title, leaned towards my love of classic movies. My friend, on the other hand, felt inclined to lean towards the video game, "Pikmin," and her blog can be found at

Don't ask where that name came from, and she won't tell. Trust me, you don't even want to know.

I'm sure you must be wondering what this post title even means. Well, to be honest, it means I finished two projects in school today, and failed one quiz. Actually, I haven't got the results back yet, but I know I failed.

Still, a 2 to 1 ratio seems....pretty good for a days work, don't you agree?

Tomorrow's the big assembly, where all the, er, students get their "awards" for the second trimester. I'm still wondering if I'll get anything, but I doubt it.

I doubt it.......

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I bet you did just fine on your quiz! Plus, I love you! Mom
